Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Westboro Baptist Church

Fred Phelps, the scumbag patriarch behind the WBC
    The Westboro Baptist Church, or the WBC for short, is a hate group posing as a religious practice centered in Topeka, Kansas. They have an anti-American agenda that focuses on condemning primarily military personnel and homosexuals. One of WBC's favorite methods of attention mongering is picketing the funerals of our nation’s military heroes and those that live any sort of nonconforming lifestyle. By gathering large numbers of protesters, they effectively demonstrate their lack of moral basis and insane assumption that should a god exist, that entity favors the exploitation and hatred towards fellow man. Led by founder Fred Phelps, the organization has grown both with the aid of the internet and the growth of his family. The WBC is primarily controlled by the various members of the Phelps family who have defended themselves with legal degrees. They are notorious for playing the victim in legal situations to exploit whoever necessary to gain funding.
     The purpose of the WBC's message is rather unclear. In my research for this blog post I was not able to find a stated purpose for the church's existence other than to spread the message that god hates america and our ways. They claim America is immoral for our acceptance of deviant lifestyles and our support for our nations military. One thing however that nobody seems to understand is, how the WBC can justify their obvious lack of human dignity and still retain the fallacy that they will be "redeemed" or "saved" by their non-existent sky friend. Even if a god existed what kind of monster would condone these actions and reward them with eternal life? The WBC's ever tasteful (sarcasm) website domain,, is a testament to their outlandish attention hogging. They know people will be outraged by their coarse language but yet that pleases them, knowing that they are being noticed. In response to the WBC, many prominent celebrity figures have donated large sums of money to charities that benefit the gay community as well as aiding families of deceased soldiers. They claim that they are trying to show America its transgression and abominations but yet the only abominations most people notice are the church's almost insane dogma. Personally, I consider Christianity and most other forms of religious worship to be insane but the actions of the WBC are far more horrific and intolerable than that of those who simply keep to themselves.
WBC protesters 
     If it has not been abundantly clear already, I believe the Westboro Baptist Church is a disgrace to humanity however I am a firm believer in the protection of personal rights and liberties. Therefore I understand and acknowledge their right to free speech despite my utter resentment and disgust for each and every one of them. Generally the response most people have to the WBC is one similar to mine. Counter protests usually occur right next to WBC protests in an effort to outnumber and block out the negative messages they spread. The complete lack of moral standards within the WBC is shocking yet these are the kinds of things that can happen to the world when crazy people are given a foundation to speak off of. The WBC is just another reason why religion is detrimental to our world.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cyber Bullying

An example of a hateful text
     Bullying in the 21st century has taken on a new form, a more cowardly but equally hurtful form. With the use of modern technology such as computers, mobile devices, and other electronic communication, kids are being bullied in ways they have never been before. Bullying has transformed from being physically involved to more of an emotional hurt. Since it is taking place in a cyber space instead of face to face, it can be very difficult for the bullying to stop and it tends to be more persistent than it used to be. Since bullies can now have access to their victims 24/7, the overwhelming distress that bullying can put on someone is amplified. They feel that they can't escape and this thought is often what leads bully victims to their own suicide.
Differences in bullying
     There is no "one size fits all" solution for cyber bullying because each individual case is very different. Taking action against a cyber bully is difficult because unless it happened on school property and during school hours, the administration really has no authority. Schools are not effective at disciplining cyber bullies simply because interfering too much may infringe upon a students free speech. Legislation in New York, Missouri, Rhode Island,  and Maryland has been passed to help prevent cyber bullying. These laws aid in deterring bullies but also punishing offenders who have already done damage. Ultimately it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to ensure that this cyber bullying comes to an end. The fact that this form of bullying is not face to face makes it harder to find out about for authority figures so it is also the responsibility of victims to come forward and seek help. Together we can help one another put an end to bullying.

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