Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Separation of Church and State

     Our nation was founded upon the very principle of freedom. We have unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness among others, our protected constitutional rights. One of the things about the new world that appealed to so many early settlers was that it was a place to start anew. Where one could live their life as they pleased without the threat of religious tyranny destroying their way of life. As our nation grew and gained its independence, these rights became ingrained in our society to be protected and most importantly, respected by both government and citizen alike. Fundamentally, our nation was constructed by religion but that does not mean that we are a nation of religion. The purpose of granting religious freedom to citizens was to remove the issues of religious differences from ever entering the realm of debate. If everyone can believe what they want, what is there to ever disagree about? Keep to yourselves and do not force beliefs upon other people and little problem will be had. The issue of the separation of church and state is a dangerous thing to dabble in. The real problem is that eventually, the state religion might not be your religion. Terrible things tend to happen when people become heated over topics and the fact that most religious people are not true followers in that they are not loving and kind as they are taught, could cause much conflict. We are not a nation under god. We are a nation where we are free to practice anything we desire or abstain from the evils of religion all together. Religion is the wall between progress. Religion is the one thing that has caused more discord in the world than anything else. Why jeopardize the remaining rights we have by essentially giving one away? Why disgrace our constitution by soiling it with the idiocracy of people who believe in creationism, that our planet was created 2,000 years ago by a creature in the sky. Let's be realistic. Religion is the barrier to all that can be accomplished.By letting it be officially incorporated into our society is a step back and a threat to both our nations intelligence and prosperity.


  1. I agree separation of church and state is a good thing it lets us have the freedom to choose your own beliefs

  2. I can't agree more. Religion is one of the many things that impedes the development of science and technology, so why should we let it impede on government?

  3. completely agree with what your saying
